Add ability to blur out certain parts of a video
Willem Wijnans
+1 for this
Ben Williams
Much needed feature!! Just had to use Camtasia for this.
André Rodrigues
Any news on this? Michiel Westerbeek
Alan Nguyen
This would be HUGE!
Ayman Kotob
Has any progress been made on this feature?
Chris Moore
I would love the blur to have two features:
1.) The ability to easily click-drag around targeted areas of the screen to blur out.
2.) Once you select something on the screen to blur, it will remember that selection and blur it throughout, even if you zoom, edit, or change layouts.
I would love that option as well, it woul allow us to hide sensitive data like emails when producing tutorials and marketign video. did a great job around that if you are lookign for inspiration.
Michiel Westerbeek
Question: Youtube has 2 blur out modes, "fix blur position" (doesn't move with the video) and "track content" (magically stays at the right position when the video moves). Would having the "fixed blur position" one be valuable enough? Or do you
the moving/following blur.J
Michiel Westerbeek: I think moving/following blur would be nice because in some cases I’ll scroll the page and the same sensitive data shows up multiple times
Michiel Westerbeek: if "track content" isn´t easy to achieve, I´d be more than happy with the ability to add a fixed blur. It hasn´t has to be dynamic, only applied to a clip, so I can divide my video into clips and add the blur whenever I showed sensitive info.
Michiel Westerbeek
Antonio, Johnny thanks for letting me know! We're working on some other stuff right now (zooms & the mac app) but when that's done we'll consider picking this up.
It´s the only feature Loom it´s not copying from you Grant :) That means great job
Connor Finlayson
I would add to that by saying that tools like Hotjar can automatically blur out or hide email addresses or passwords. That would be awesome!
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