Record separate face and content
Michiel Westerbeek
We're likely gonna do a simple version of this soon; allow you to add/replace a voice/camera on top of an existing screen share.
You'll be able to record your screen first, and then add the camera/voice on top of that afterwards.
There's some nuances that we still want to look into later, like "what if you want to trim the screen first" etc
but we think even a barebones version would already be helpful.
We'll ask for feedback soon in the community!
Felix Krauth
Yes please, recording my face / voice again after my first run of demo would save me a ton of editting time because it's really tricky to nail both screen and face / voice at once.
Javid Igani
I would like this for scripted sales demos. I can imagine this might function visually with stacked timelines similar to other editors.
Yaniv Tross
I'd couple this with "Change video's playback speed in editor". We record demos where we want to focus on value, but can't completely cut out parts of the process. Speaking over a speedy part would let us do that and make our demos shine.